Here are the most frequently asked questions about floating in a sensory deprivation tank and our services.
If you have any other questions that are not answered here, please send a message via the form at the bottom of this page.
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All of our floats are 75 minutes in total length, and the average floater needs a window of 1.5 hours for the entire visit.
You always have the choice to finish your float early if you feel that you're done, or if you request a specific time. You will have no perception of time passing while you're floating, so please do not worry about time in any way - 75 minutes is sincerely the perfect amount of time :)
Yes, many floaters with employee benefits use a General Health Spending or Flex Spending account to cover their floats.
You can request an emailed receipt anytime for your benefits claim submission. Please note that floating is not yet covered directly like other benefits such as dental, physio or massage, so we suggest contacting your benefits provider to confirm how floating can be covered under your personal benefits program.
Pretty much nothing...
We will be providing everything you will need for your floating experience. Here is what is provided during your visit:
- Towels & Face Cloth
- Reuseable Ear Plugs
- Vaseline Packet
- Blow Dryer
- Make Up Remover
- Q-Tips
- Supportive Neck Pillow by Floatease
- Soap, Shampoo & Conditioner by Carina Organics
You're welcome to bring a journal, water bottle and any specific things & costmetics you may need to compliment your post-float plans. There is a vanity area in the back where you can get ready.
Gentle music playing at the end of the float will let you know it's time to exit the float tank and rinse off.
You can always end the float early if you feel like you're done too. There is zero pressure to float until the music starts at the end.
Our float cabin filtration systems use a global industry standard to disinfect and sanitize the water between every floater. Our systems use a combination of particle filters, ultraviolet light and hydrogen peroxide to continuously keep the water clean and safe.
Also, the Dead Sea is appropriately named because of salt's natural & powerful antibacterial qualities. It is worth noting that the Dead Sea salt concentration is around 32%, whereas our salt water is roughly 40%.
The combination of the power of salt, filtering, UV and hydrogen peroxide ensure our water is constantly clean and safe for every floater.
It will honestly be one of the best and most restful sleeps you've ever had. The buoyancy of our salty water makes it practically impossible to rollover without significant & deliberate physical effort on your part, so there is no need to worry about falling asleep.
Floating makes it very easy to reach deep states of rest, so it is common for floaters to think they have fallen asleep during a float. When you get into the groove of floating and figure out your path into that deep space within yourself, it can often feel like you're sleeping if you're not familiar with the deeper states of consciousness.
You're basically doing nothing at all... just floating effortlessly in stillness and solitude.
All kinds of "stuff" can happen when we disconnect from gravity and all the distractions and stimulations that constantly surround us. To truly understand and appreciate what this "stuff" means, you have to experience floating firsthand.
Some people will feel the need to float weekly or monthly. Some may float alot over a short period of time. Others may simply go once in a while.
Every person will connect with floating in a unique way, so trust your intuition to know how often you should be floating after getting through the learning curve - it usually takes everyone around 3 to 5 floats to get the hang of it.
Most people generally have reservations about being in smaller spaces, so it is a normal thing to have such feelings of claustrophia.
We know that floating can be vulnerable, so we made sure to get some of the largest float tanks available in the world. Anyone measuring under 7 foot 9 inches will have plenty of space to stretch-out and relax in our Canadian-made float cabins.
It is always your choice to keep the lights on during the float or to have the door slightly open. Please let your float host know if you would like to review these things beforehand.
The first few moments of your first float may be a bit anxious for anyone, but everyone settles into the experience rather quickly. If for some reason you cannot settle, you can simply end your float at any point. We do not charge for first floats that end very quickly.
It is best to float without any expectations, so we recommend not doing any research whatsoever into floating (or very little) and the experiences of other floaters.
If you chase any particular experience or benefit during a float, you may disrupt your experience by getting in your own way.
Our orientation video thoroughly covers everything you will need to know before floating. You can watch it by clicking here, but we recommend watching it right before jumping into your float so the details stay fresh in your mind.
We do not have any age limits.
Our youngest floater so far was 8 years old and our eldest was 90 years old.
For the younger floaters, we expect parents to use their discretion in determining what is best for their child. We kindly ask that parents with younger children hang out in the float room for their first float to ensure they're comfortable. After the first float, parents always know what is best for their child on subsequent floats.
All float times start on the hour of the day. The hours below show the first and last float of each day.
Sat + Sun - 9am to 7pm
Wed + Fri - 11 am to 8pm
Mon + Thu - 4pm to 8pm
We have been told that the weightlessness is wonderful, especially later into the pregnancy. We have had expecting mothers float right up until their due dates. If you have any specific health concerns for mom and/or baby, we recommend speaking with your doctor about floating.
Having hosted thousands of new floaters, we can confidently say that it takes everyone around 3 to 5 floats to get the "hang" of floating or to get "good" at it.
As we are all sensory beings constantly being stimulated by the world around us, you will need a few floats under your belt to get acquainted with and comfortable in sensory deprivation and weightlessness.
The number of floats it takes for a floater to discover how floating works best for them and understand its depth of potential is relative to each person. The only way to figure out floating is to do it firsthand.
Our orientation video will help you get up to speed on floating best practices quickly.
Your head will be partly submerged for the duration of the float, so your hair will be getting wet (even if you're wearing a swim cap).
Please note that if your hair is recently dyed and the colour is still bleeding when wet, there are specific protocols and considerations that must be followed. We will cover these at the time of booking.
Please use the same approach as if you were going to a pool. Tampons and pads can also be found in our washroom.
Some floaters like to explore floating with the use of and it is your choice to do so, but it is worth mentioning that experiencing the initial pure "high" of floating is a worthy exploration. We find floating in a sober state to be best, especially during the initial learning curve.
Natural plant medicines like cannabis and small doses of psilocybin can be powerful tools in the exploration of consciousness and ourselves, and we welcome the gentle, sensible and respectul pairing of such tools with floating.
If you would like to chat about this topic further, please connect with Dominic directly. It's also worth noting that we strongly discourage pairing a float with powerful stimulants like alcohol, opiates and cocaine.
Zero swimming skills are required.
Please keep in mind that the water is very shallow at only 11 inches in depth, and 1200 LBS of dissolved Epsom salt in our perfectly heated water ensures every human on this planet will float effortlessly no matter how big or small a person is.
We only allow one person to float in a float cabin at a time.
We can easily book yourself and your partner for a float at the same time but in your own seperate float rooms.
It is very rare for floating to dry out our skin and funny enough after hours of floating, your skin will not prune.
Salt water can "sting" a bit if you have any fresh cuts, scrapes, skin sensitivity issues (like eczema) or specific sensitive areas. It is also best to avoid shaving any part of the body prior to floating. We provide a packet of vaseline in your float room for an optional layer of protection.
Some folks are a bit sensitve to our city water, so you are welcome to bring your own body lotion to use following your post-float shower.
Music being played during a float is not offered at this time. The float will be done in silence.
We highly recommend being mindful of your intake of caffeine, stimulants, alcohol and heavy meals before floating.
Limiting the intake of these stimulants before a float will help to minimize their disruption and distraction during the experience.
Keep in mind that you also do not want to be dehydrated or hungry during a float. A little bit of water and a small light snack is recommended beforehand.
Doing any type of physical activity and even therapies like massage or physiotherapy are a great compliment to the float and are suggested before the float.
We have been hosting floats for over six years and look forward to doing so for many years to come. We opened October 10, 2016.
Our float cabins have strong handles to help getting in and out easily. There is also an option to have a bench in your room - please simply request one during your visit.
You are welcome to come check out our space for a tour before booking in order to gauge how comfortable you feel with trying a float with us.
You're basically doing nothing at all... just floating effortlessly in stillness and solitude.
All kinds of "stuff" can happen when we disconnect from gravity and all the distractions and stimulations that constantly surround us. To truly understand and appreciate what this "stuff" means, you have to experience floating firsthand.