Simply click one of the buttons below or complete the form.
Fill in the form and SUBMIT.
Please allow 48 hours for us to respond and confirm your booking. If you do not receive a response after 48 hours, please call 780.680.1337.
Our phone number is 780.680.1337 and our email
Contact Us
Touch the number above on your phone to send us a text message. You are texting the front desk team on our smartphone - not a call center :)
Texting is the best way to get a hold of us, as we are often busy hosting floats and may not be able to answer or call back quickly. Please text at any hour that suits you.
Calling this number is welcomed as well. Keep in mind we do not check voicemails, sorry.
Or use the other options below...
Text Us
Texting us at this number is the best way to get a hold of us, as we are often busy hosting floats and may not be able to answer or call back quickly.
Call Us
(780) 680-1337 *click to call*
Sorry, we do not check voicemails.
Email Address
Where is Float House?
8148 102 ST NW - Box 102, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada,T6E 3A3 (Google Maps Link)
Located between Dorinku and Doing Tattoo on the West side of 102nd Street, just a few steps South of Whyte Ave. Across the street from The Roots on Whyte Building (DaCapo, Blush Lane, Under The High Wheel) and Derks.